Welcome to TechBrick UK and S32 and S8 Product Stock

After recently receiving another interim quantity of S32 and S8 tracks from manufacturing and putting them in stock, we were surprised to see that it is all very nearly sold out again!  We do apologize for the spotty availability of these products, but rest assured we're working on improvements to our distributed inventory distribution.  Additional S32 and S8 products will be available again soon.

We are manufacturing and distributing products for several key regions including North America, European Union, Asia Pacific, and most recently the United Kingdom. We're so happy to announce that Fx Track is now available directly to UK customers through our friends at TechBrick!  We're so glad to work with the awesome team at TechBrick as our representatives in the UK market for Fx Bricks.

As we iron out the supply of Fx Track products we are still getting ready to put our P40 switch into production.  We're not ready to announce pre-orders yet, but very soon.  We'll be meeting again with manufacturing in late February to push us closer to production.

Stay tuned to our website for the latest news and for notifications of new inventory.